
(XNA4.0 => Game Studio (Express) XNA GS 4.0)



public class Game1 : Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game

protected override void Draw(GameTime gameTime) // 描画。フレームごとに呼び出される。背景、前景、その他。
protected override void Update(GameTime gameTime) // ワールドの更新など、ゲームのアップデートロジックを置く。
protected override void UnloadContent() // アンロードの処理を置くが、通常はあえて書くほどでもないようだ。
protected override void LoadContent() // ゲームごとに最初に?1回?呼び出される。
ちなみにテクスチャとして使用する画像(JPEG, BMPなど)をファイルから読み込むには、下のコンテンツ・プロジェクトへの追加を前提に、
myTexture = Content.Load("Ane1"); // "Ane1"はアセット名、つまりコンテンツ追加時に付けた(自動で付いた)名前



方法:コンテンツ プロジェクトへのゲーム アセットの追加

private Texture2D texture;




Ctrl-X テキストを選択していない時、カーソル行のカット
Ctrl-C テキストを選択していない時、カーソル行のコピー
Ctrl-V カットした行のペースト

Ctrl-E, C
Ctrl-K, Ctrl-C
Ctrl-E, U
Ctrl-K, Ctrl-U





Project Eular Problem 15

let mutable maxMemo = 256   // 257*257*sizeof(bigint) bigintは可変長
let routeMemo = Array2D.create (maxMemo + 1) (maxMemo + 1) 0I

let rec route x y =
    let a = routeMemo.[x, y]
    match a = 0I with
        | false -> a
        | true  ->
            let ans =
                match x > 0 with
                    | true ->
                        match y > 0 with
                            | true  -> route (x - 1) y + route x (y - 1)
                            | false -> route (x - 1) 0  // 1に決まってるけどw
                    | false ->
                        match y > 0 with
                            | true  -> route (y - 1) 0   // まあ1
                            | false -> 1I
            routeMemo.[x, y] <- ans

let solve px py =
    route px py

let run () =
    solve 20 20




 05500	#ifndef PROC_H
 05501	#define PROC_H
 05503	/* Here is the declaration of the process table.  It contains all process
 05504	 * data, including registers, flags, scheduling priority, memory map, 
 05505	 * accounting, message passing (IPC) information, and so on. 
 05506	 *
 05507	 * Many assembly code routines reference fields in it.  The offsets to these
 05508	 * fields are defined in the assembler include file sconst.h.  When changing
 05509	 * struct proc, be sure to change sconst.h to match.

_________________________ Page 699    File: kernel/proc.h _________________________
 05510	 */
 05511	#include <minix/com.h>
 05512	#include "protect.h"
 05513	#include "const.h"
 05514	#include "priv.h"

05516	struct proc {
 05517	  struct stackframe_s p_reg;    /* process' registers saved in stack frame */
 05518	  reg_t p_ldt_sel;              /* selector in gdt with ldt base and limit */
 05519	  struct segdesc_s p_ldt[2+NR_REMOTE_SEGS]; /* CS, DS and remote segments */
 05521	  proc_nr_t p_nr;               /* number of this process (for fast access) */
 05522	  struct priv *p_priv;          /* system privileges structure */
 05523	  char p_rts_flags;             /* SENDING, RECEIVING, etc. */
 05525	  char p_priority;              /* current scheduling priority */
 05526	  char p_max_priority;          /* maximum scheduling priority */
 05527	  char p_ticks_left;            /* number of scheduling ticks left */
 05528	  char p_quantum_size;          /* quantum size in ticks */
 05530	  struct mem_map p_memmap[NR_LOCAL_SEGS];   /* memory map (T, D, S) */
 05532	  clock_t p_user_time;          /* user time in ticks */
 05533	  clock_t p_sys_time;           /* sys time in ticks */
 05535	  struct proc *p_nextready;     /* pointer to next ready process */
 05536	  struct proc *p_caller_q;      /* head of list of procs wishing to send */
 05537	  struct proc *p_q_link;        /* link to next proc wishing to send */
 05538	  message *p_messbuf;           /* pointer to passed message buffer */
 05539	  proc_nr_t p_getfrom;          /* from whom does process want to receive? */
 05540	  proc_nr_t p_sendto;           /* to whom does process want to send? */
 05542	  sigset_t p_pending;           /* bit map for pending kernel signals */
 05544	  char p_name[P_NAME_LEN];      /* name of the process, including \0 */
 05545	};

 04912	struct boot_image {
 04913	  proc_nr_t proc_nr;                    /* process number to use */
 04914	  task_t *initial_pc;                   /* start function for tasks */

_________________________ Page 693    File: kernel/type.h _________________________
 04915	  int flags;                            /* process flags */
 04916	  unsigned char quantum;                /* quantum (tick count) */
 04917	  int priority;                         /* scheduling priority */
 04918	  int stksize;                          /* stack size for tasks */
 04919	  short trap_mask;                      /* allowed system call traps */
 04920	  bitchunk_t ipc_to;                    /* send mask protection */
 04921	  long call_mask;                       /* system call protection */
 04922	  char proc_name[P_NAME_LEN];           /* name in process table */
 04923	};
 04925	struct memory {
 04926	  phys_clicks base;                     /* start address of chunk */
 04927	  phys_clicks size;                     /* size of memory chunk */
 04928	};

01437  typedef long clock_t;              /* unit for system accounting */

05574	#define NIL_PROC          ((struct proc *) 0)           
 05575	#define NIL_SYS_PROC      ((struct proc *) 1)  
プロセス構造体 struct proc

 05588	/* The process table and pointers to process table slots. The pointers allow
 05589	 * faster access because now a process entry can be found by indexing the
 05590	 * pproc_addr array, while accessing an element i requires a multiplication
 05591	 * with sizeof(struct proc) to determine the address. 
 05592	 */
 05593	EXTERN struct proc proc[NR_TASKS + NR_PROCS];   /* process table */
 05594	EXTERN struct proc *pproc_addr[NR_TASKS + NR_PROCS];
 05595	EXTERN struct proc *rdy_head[NR_SCHED_QUEUES]; /* ptrs to ready list headers */
 05596	EXTERN struct proc *rdy_tail[NR_SCHED_QUEUES]; /* ptrs to ready list tails */
 05598	#endif /* PROC_H */

 05842	/* Privileges. */
 05843	#define INTR_PRIVILEGE       0  /* kernel and interrupt handlers */
 05844	#define TASK_PRIVILEGE       1  /* kernel tasks */
 05845	#define USER_PRIVILEGE       3  /* servers and user processes */

 06088	/* The system image table lists all programs that are part of the boot image. 
 06089	 * The order of the entries here MUST agree with the order of the programs
 06090	 * in the boot image and all kernel tasks must come first.
 06091	 * Each entry provides the process number, flags, quantum size (qs), scheduling
 06092	 * queue, allowed traps, ipc mask, and a name for the process table. The 
 06093	 * initial program counter and stack size is also provided for kernel tasks.
 06094	 */
 06095	PUBLIC struct boot_image image[] = {
 06096	/* process nr,   pc, flags, qs,  queue, stack, traps, ipcto, call,  name */ 
 06097	 { IDLE,  idle_task, IDL_F,  8, IDLE_Q, IDL_S,     0,     0,     0, "IDLE"  },
 06098	 { CLOCK,clock_task, TSK_F, 64, TASK_Q, TSK_S, TSK_T,     0,     0, "CLOCK" },
 06099	 { SYSTEM, sys_task, TSK_F, 64, TASK_Q, TSK_S, TSK_T,     0,     0, "SYSTEM"},
 06100	 { HARDWARE,      0, TSK_F, 64, TASK_Q, HRD_S,     0,     0,     0, "KERNEL"},
 06101	 { PM_PROC_NR,    0, SRV_F, 32,      3, 0,     SRV_T, SRV_M,  PM_C, "pm"    },
 06102	 { FS_PROC_NR,    0, SRV_F, 32,      4, 0,     SRV_T, SRV_M,  FS_C, "fs"    },
 06103	 { RS_PROC_NR,    0, SRV_F,  4,      3, 0,     SRV_T, SYS_M,  RS_C, "rs"    },
 06104	 { TTY_PROC_NR,   0, SRV_F,  4,      1, 0,     SRV_T, SYS_M, DRV_C, "tty"   },
 06105	 { MEM_PROC_NR,   0, SRV_F,  4,      2, 0,     SRV_T, DRV_M, MEM_C, "memory"},
 06106	 { LOG_PROC_NR,   0, SRV_F,  4,      2, 0,     SRV_T, SYS_M, DRV_C, "log"   },
 06107	 { DRVR_PROC_NR,  0, SRV_F,  4,      2, 0,     SRV_T, SYS_M, DRV_C, "driver"},
 06108	 { INIT_PROC_NR,  0, USR_F,  8, USER_Q, 0,     USR_T, USR_M,     0, "init"  },
 06109	};

 06374	.define _divide_error
 06375	.define _single_step_exception
 06376	.define _nmi
 06377	.define _breakpoint_exception
 06378	.define _overflow
 06379	.define _bounds_check
 06380	.define _inval_opcode
 06381	.define _copr_not_available
 06382	.define _double_fault
 06383	.define _copr_seg_overrun
 06384	.define _inval_tss
 06385	.define _segment_not_present
 06386	.define _stack_exception
 06387	.define _general_protection
 06388	.define _page_fault
 06389	.define _copr_error

 07127	/*===========================================================================*
 07128	 *                              main                                         *
 07129	 *===========================================================================*/
 07130	PUBLIC void main()

07132	/* Start the ball rolling. */

_________________________ Page 719    File: kernel/main.c _________________________
 07146	  /* Clear the process table. Anounce each slot as empty and set up mappings 
 07147	   * for proc_addr() and proc_nr() macros. Do the same for the table with 
 07148	   * privilege structures for the system processes. 
 07149	   */
 07150	  for (rp = BEG_PROC_ADDR, i = -NR_TASKS; rp < END_PROC_ADDR; ++rp, ++i) {
 07151	        rp->p_rts_flags = SLOT_FREE;            /* initialize free slot */
 07152	        rp->p_nr = i;                           /* proc number from ptr */
 07153	        (pproc_addr + NR_TASKS)[i] = rp;        /* proc ptr from number */
 07154	  }

05567  #define IDLE_Q            15    /* lowest, only IDLE process goes here *
05563       #define TASK_Q             0    /* highest, used for kernel tasks */

 07161	  /* Set up proc table entries for tasks and servers.  The stacks of the
 07162	   * kernel tasks are initialized to an array in data space.  The stacks
 07163	   * of the servers have been added to the data segment by the monitor, so
 07164	   * the stack pointer is set to the end of the data segment.  All the
 07165	   * processes are in low memory on the 8086.  On the 386 only the kernel
 07166	   * is in low memory, the rest is loaded in extended memory.
 07167	   */
 07169	  /* Task stacks. */
 07170	  ktsb = (reg_t) t_stack;
 07172	  for (i=0; i < NR_BOOT_PROCS; ++i) {
 07173	        ip = &image[i];                         /* process' attributes */
 07174	        rp = proc_addr(ip->proc_nr);            /* get process pointer */
 07175	        rp->p_max_priority = ip->priority;      /* max scheduling priority */
 07176	        rp->p_priority = ip->priority;          /* current priority */
 07177	        rp->p_quantum_size = ip->quantum;       /* quantum size in ticks */
 07178	        rp->p_ticks_left = ip->quantum;         /* current credit */
 07179	        strncpy(rp->p_name, ip->proc_name, P_NAME_LEN); /* set process name */
 07180	        (void) get_priv(rp, (ip->flags & SYS_PROC));    /* assign structure */
 07181	        priv(rp)->s_flags = ip->flags;                  /* process flags */
 07182	        priv(rp)->s_trap_mask = ip->trap_mask;          /* allowed traps */
 07183	        priv(rp)->s_call_mask = ip->call_mask;          /* kernel call mask */
 07184	        priv(rp)->s_ipc_to.chunk[0] = ip->ipc_to;       /* restrict targets */
 07185	        if (iskerneln(proc_nr(rp))) {           /* part of the kernel? */ 
 07186	                if (ip->stksize > 0) {          /* HARDWARE stack size is 0 */
 07187	                        rp->p_priv->s_stack_guard = (reg_t *) ktsb;
 07188	                        *rp->p_priv->s_stack_guard = STACK_GUARD;
 07189	                }
 07190	                ktsb += ip->stksize;    /* point to high end of stack */
 07191	                rp->p_reg.sp = ktsb;    /* this task's initial stack ptr */
 07192	                text_base = kinfo.code_base >> CLICK_SHIFT;
 07193	                                        /* processes that are in the kernel */
 07194	                hdrindex = 0;           /* all use the first a.out header */
 07195	        } else {
 07196	                hdrindex = 1 + i-NR_TASKS;      /* servers, drivers, INIT */
 07197	        }
 07199	        /* The bootstrap loader created an array of the a.out headers at
 07200	         * absolute address 'aout'. Get one element to e_hdr.
 07201	         */
 07202	        phys_copy(aout + hdrindex * A_MINHDR, vir2phys(&e_hdr),
 07203	                                                (phys_bytes) A_MINHDR);
 07204	        /* Convert addresses to clicks and build process memory map */

_________________________ Page 720    File: kernel/main.c _________________________
 07205	        text_base = e_hdr.a_syms >> CLICK_SHIFT;
 07206	        text_clicks = (e_hdr.a_text + CLICK_SIZE-1) >> CLICK_SHIFT;
 07207	        if (!(e_hdr.a_flags & A_SEP)) text_clicks = 0;     /* common I&D */
 07208	        data_clicks = (e_hdr.a_total + CLICK_SIZE-1) >> CLICK_SHIFT;
 07209	        rp->p_memmap[T].mem_phys = text_base;
 07210	        rp->p_memmap[T].mem_len  = text_clicks;
 07211	        rp->p_memmap[D].mem_phys = text_base + text_clicks;
 07212	        rp->p_memmap[D].mem_len  = data_clicks;
 07213	        rp->p_memmap[S].mem_phys = text_base + text_clicks + data_clicks;
 07214	        rp->p_memmap[S].mem_vir  = data_clicks; /* empty - stack is in data */

 07223	        /* Initialize the server stack pointer. Take it down one word
 07224	         * to give crtso.s something to use as "argc".
 07225	         */
 07226	        if (isusern(proc_nr(rp))) {             /* user-space process? */ 
 07227	                rp->p_reg.sp = (rp->p_memmap[S].mem_vir +
 07228	                                rp->p_memmap[S].mem_len) << CLICK_SHIFT;
 07229	                rp->p_reg.sp -= sizeof(reg_t);
 07230	        }
 07232	        /* Set ready. The HARDWARE task is never ready. */
 07233	        if (rp->p_nr != HARDWARE) {
 07234	                rp->p_rts_flags = 0;            /* runnable if no flags */
 07235	                lock_enqueue(rp);               /* add to scheduling queues */
 07236	        } else {
 07237	                rp->p_rts_flags = NO_MAP;       /* prevent from running */
 07238	        }


 07400	/* This file contains essentially all of the process and message handling.
 07401	 * Together with "mpx.s" it forms the lowest layer of the MINIX kernel.
 07402	 * There is one entry point from the outside:
 07403	 *
 07404	 *   sys_call:        a system call, i.e., the kernel is trapped with an INT
 07405	 *
 07406	 * As well as several entry points used from the interrupt and task level:
 07407	 *
 07408	 *   lock_notify:     notify a process of a system event
 07409	 *   lock_send:       send a message to a process
 07410	 *   lock_enqueue:    put a process on one of the scheduling queues 
 07411	 *   lock_dequeue:    remove a process from the scheduling queues
 07412	 *
 07413	 * Changes:
 07414	 *   Aug 19, 2005     rewrote scheduling code  (Jorrit N. Herder)
 07415	 *   Jul 25, 2005     rewrote system call handling  (Jorrit N. Herder)
 07416	 *   May 26, 2005     rewrote message passing functions  (Jorrit N. Herder)
 07417	 *   May 24, 2005     new notification system call  (Jorrit N. Herder)
 07418	 *   Oct 28, 2004     nonblocking send and receive calls  (Jorrit N. Herder)
 07419	 *

_________________________ Page 723    File: kernel/proc.c _________________________
 07420	 * The code here is critical to make everything work and is important for the
 07421	 * overall performance of the system. A large fraction of the code deals with
 07422	 * list manipulation. To make this both easy to understand and fast to execute 
 07423	 * pointer pointers are used throughout the code. Pointer pointers prevent
 07424	 * exceptions for the head or tail of a linked list. 
 07425	 *
 07426	 *  node_t *queue, *new_node;   // assume these as global variables
 07427	 *  node_t **xpp = &queue;      // get pointer pointer to head of queue 
 07428	 *  while (*xpp != NULL)        // find last pointer of the linked list
 07429	 *      xpp = &(*xpp)->next;    // get pointer to next pointer 
 07430	 *  *xpp = new_node;            // now replace the end (the NULL pointer) 
 07431	 *  new_node->next = NULL;      // and mark the new end of the list
 07432	 * 
 07433	 * For example, when adding a new node to the end of the list, one normally 
 07434	 * makes an exception for an empty list and looks up the end of the list for 
 07435	 * nonempty lists. As shown above, this is not required with pointer pointers.
 07436	 */

 07477	/*===========================================================================*
 07478	 *                              sys_call                                     * 
 07479	 *===========================================================================*/
 07480	PUBLIC int sys_call(call_nr, src_dst, m_ptr)
 07481	int call_nr;                    /* system call number and flags */
 07482	int src_dst;                    /* src to receive from or dst to send to */
 07483	message *m_ptr;                 /* pointer to message in the caller's space */
 07484	{
 07485	/* System calls are done by trapping to the kernel with an INT instruction.
 07486	 * The trap is caught and sys_call() is called to send or receive a message
 07487	 * (or both). The caller is always given by 'proc_ptr'.
 07488	 */

05329	EXTERN struct proc *proc_ptr;   /* pointer to currentl

 07784	/*===========================================================================*
 07785	 *                              enqueue                                      * 
 07786	 *===========================================================================*/
 07787	PRIVATE void enqueue(rp)
 07788	register struct proc *rp;       /* this process is now runnable */
 07789	{
 07790	/* Add 'rp' to one of the queues of runnable processes.  This function is 
 07791	 * responsible for inserting a process into one of the scheduling queues. 
 07792	 * The mechanism is implemented here.   The actual scheduling policy is
 07793	 * defined in sched() and pick_proc().
 07794	 */
 07795	  int q;                                        /* scheduling queue to use */
 07796	  int front;                                    /* add to front or back */
 07798	  /* Determine where to insert to process. */
 07799	  sched(rp, &q, &front);
 07801	  /* Now add the process to the queue. */
 07802	  if (rdy_head[q] == NIL_PROC) {                /* add to empty queue */
 07803	      rdy_head[q] = rdy_tail[q] = rp;           /* create a new queue */
 07804	      rp->p_nextready = NIL_PROC;               /* mark new end */
 07805	  } 
 07806	  else if (front) {                             /* add to head of queue */
 07807	      rp->p_nextready = rdy_head[q];            /* chain head of queue */
 07808	      rdy_head[q] = rp;                         /* set new queue head */
 07809	  } 
 07810	  else {                                        /* add to tail of queue */
 07811	      rdy_tail[q]->p_nextready = rp;            /* chain tail of queue */       
 07812	      rdy_tail[q] = rp;                         /* set new queue tail */
 07813	      rp->p_nextready = NIL_PROC;               /* mark new end */
 07814	  }
 07816	  /* Now select the next process to run. */
 07817	  pick_proc();                  
 07818	}

06503	        jmp     _main                   ! main()

07820	/*===========================================================================*
 07821	 *                              dequeue                                      * 
 07822	 *===========================================================================*/
 07823	PRIVATE void dequeue(rp)
 07824	register struct proc *rp;       /* this process is no longer runnable */
 07825	{
 07826	/* A process must be removed from the scheduling queues, for example, because
 07827	 * it has blocked.  If the currently active process is removed, a new process
 07828	 * is picked to run by calling pick_proc().
 07829	 */
 07830	  register int q = rp->p_priority;              /* queue to use */
 07831	  register struct proc **xpp;                   /* iterate over queue */
 07832	  register struct proc *prev_xp;
 07834	  /* Side-effect for kernel: check if the task's stack still is ok? */
 07835	  if (iskernelp(rp)) {                          

_________________________ Page 730    File: kernel/proc.c _________________________
 07836	        if (*priv(rp)->s_stack_guard != STACK_GUARD)
 07837	                panic("stack overrun by task", proc_nr(rp));
 07838	  }
 07840	  /* Now make sure that the process is not in its ready queue. Remove the 
 07841	   * process if it is found. A process can be made unready even if it is not 
 07842	   * running by being sent a signal that kills it.
 07843	   */
 07844	  prev_xp = NIL_PROC;                           
 07845	  for (xpp = &rdy_head[q]; *xpp != NIL_PROC; xpp = &(*xpp)->p_nextready) {
 07847	      if (*xpp == rp) {                         /* found process to remove */
 07848	          *xpp = (*xpp)->p_nextready;           /* replace with next chain */
 07849	          if (rp == rdy_tail[q])                /* queue tail removed */
 07850	              rdy_tail[q] = prev_xp;            /* set new tail */
 07851	          if (rp == proc_ptr || rp == next_ptr) /* active process removed */
 07852	              pick_proc();                      /* pick new process to run */
 07853	          break;
 07854	      }
 07855	      prev_xp = *xpp;                           /* save previous in chain */
 07856	  }
 07857	}
 07859	/*===========================================================================*
 07860	 *                              sched                                        * 
 07861	 *===========================================================================*/
 07862	PRIVATE void sched(rp, queue, front)
 07863	register struct proc *rp;                       /* process to be scheduled */
 07864	int *queue;                                     /* return: queue to use */
 07865	int *front;                                     /* return: front or back */
 07866	{
 07867	/* This function determines the scheduling policy.  It is called whenever a
 07868	 * process must be added to one of the scheduling queues to decide where to
 07869	 * insert it.  As a side-effect the process' priority may be updated.  
 07870	 */
 07871	  static struct proc *prev_ptr = NIL_PROC;      /* previous without time */
 07872	  int time_left = (rp->p_ticks_left > 0);       /* quantum fully consumed */
 07873	  int penalty = 0;                              /* change in priority */
 07875	  /* Check whether the process has time left. Otherwise give a new quantum 
 07876	   * and possibly raise the priority.  Processes using multiple quantums 
 07877	   * in a row get a lower priority to catch infinite loops in high priority
 07878	   * processes (system servers and drivers). 
 07879	   */
 07880	  if ( ! time_left) {                           /* quantum consumed ? */
 07881	      rp->p_ticks_left = rp->p_quantum_size;    /* give new quantum */
 07882	      if (prev_ptr == rp) penalty ++;           /* catch infinite loops */
 07883	      else penalty --;                          /* give slow way back */
 07884	      prev_ptr = rp;                            /* store ptr for next */
 07885	  }
 07887	  /* Determine the new priority of this process. The bounds are determined
 07888	   * by IDLE's queue and the maximum priority of this process. Kernel tasks 
 07889	   * and the idle process are never changed in priority.
 07890	   */
 07891	  if (penalty != 0 && ! iskernelp(rp)) {
 07892	      rp->p_priority += penalty;                /* update with penalty */
 07893	      if (rp->p_priority < rp->p_max_priority)  /* check upper bound */ 
 07894	          rp->p_priority=rp->p_max_priority;
 07895	      else if (rp->p_priority > IDLE_Q-1)       /* check lower bound */

_________________________ Page 731    File: kernel/proc.c _________________________
 07896	          rp->p_priority = IDLE_Q-1;
 07897	  }
 07899	  /* If there is time left, the process is added to the front of its queue, 
 07900	   * so that it can immediately run. The queue to use simply is always the
 07901	   * process' current priority. 
 07902	   */
 07903	  *queue = rp->p_priority;
 07904	  *front = time_left;
 07905	}

 07907	/*===========================================================================*
 07908	 *                              pick_proc                                    * 
 07909	 *===========================================================================*/
 07910	PRIVATE void pick_proc()
 07911	{
 07912	/* Decide who to run now.  A new process is selected by setting 'next_ptr'.
 07913	 * When a billable process is selected, record it in 'bill_ptr', so that the 
 07914	 * clock task can tell who to bill for system time.
 07915	 */
 07916	  register struct proc *rp;                     /* process to run */
 07917	  int q;                                        /* iterate over queues */
 07919	  /* Check each of the scheduling queues for ready processes. The number of
 07920	   * queues is defined in proc.h, and priorities are set in the image table.
 07921	   * The lowest queue contains IDLE, which is always ready.
 07922	   */
 07923	  for (q=0; q < NR_SCHED_QUEUES; q++) { 
 07924	      if ( (rp = rdy_head[q]) != NIL_PROC) {
 07925	          next_ptr = rp;                        /* run process 'rp' next */
 07926	          if (priv(rp)->s_flags & BILLABLE)             
 07927	              bill_ptr = rp;                    /* bill for system time */
 07928	          return;                                
 07929	      }
 07930	  }
 07931	}
07948	/*===========================================================================*
 07949	 *                              lock_enqueue                                 *
 07950	 *===========================================================================*/
 07951	PUBLIC void lock_enqueue(rp)
 07952	struct proc *rp;                /* this process is now runnable */
 07953	{
 07954	/* Safe gateway to enqueue() for tasks. */
 07955	  lock(3, "enqueue");

_________________________ Page 732    File: kernel/proc.c _________________________
 07956	  enqueue(rp);
 07957	  unlock(3);
 07958	}
 07960	/*===========================================================================*
 07961	 *                              lock_dequeue                                 *
 07962	 *===========================================================================*/
 07963	PUBLIC void lock_dequeue(rp)
 07964	struct proc *rp;                /* this process is no longer runnable */
 07965	{
 07966	/* Safe gateway to dequeue() for tasks. */
 07967	  lock(4, "dequeue");
 07968	  dequeue(rp);
 07969	  unlock(4);
 07970	}


 08700	#
 08701	! Chooses between the 8086 and 386 versions of the low level kernel code.

 08821	.define _phys_insw      ! transfer data from (disk controller) port to memory
 08823	.define _phys_outsw     ! transfer data from memory to (disk controller) port
 08827	.define _phys_copy      ! copy data from anywhere to anywhere in memory
 08828	.define _phys_memset    ! write pattern anywhere in memory

 09194	!*===========================================================================*
 09195	!*                              phys_copy                                    *
 09196	!*===========================================================================*
 09197	! PUBLIC void phys_copy(phys_bytes source, phys_bytes destination,
 09198	!                       phys_bytes bytecount);
 09199	! Copy a block of physical memory.

 10315	/*===========================================================================*
 10316	 *                              do_exec                                      *
 10317	 *===========================================================================*/


09450	PUBLIC void kprintf(const char *fmt, ...)

 10485	      case HARD_INT:
 10486	          result = do_clocktick(&m);    /* handle clock tick */

 10489	          kprintf("CLOCK: illegal request %d from %d.\n", m.m_type,m.m_source);

 10494	/*===========================================================================*
 10495	 *                              do_clocktick                                 *
 10496	 *===========================================================================*/
 10497	PRIVATE int do_clocktick(m_ptr)
 10498	message *m_ptr;                         /* pointer to request message */
 10499	{
 10500	/* Despite its name, this routine is not called on every clock tick. It
 10501	 * is called on those clock ticks when a lot of work needs to be done.
 10502	 */
 10504	  /* A process used up a full quantum. The interrupt handler stored this
 10505	   * process in 'prev_ptr'.  First make sure that the process is not on the 
 10506	   * scheduling queues.  Then announce the process ready again. Since it has 
 10507	   * no more time left, it gets a new quantum and is inserted at the right 
 10508	   * place in the queues.  As a side-effect a new process will be scheduled.
 10509	   */ 
 10510	  if (prev_ptr->p_ticks_left <= 0 && priv(prev_ptr)->s_flags & PREEM
 10511	      lock_dequeue(prev_ptr);           /* take it off the queues */
 10512	      lock_enqueue(prev_ptr);           /* and reinsert it again */ 
 10513	  }
 10526	/*===========================================================================*
 10527	 *                              init_clock                                   *
 10528	 *===========================================================================*/
 10529	PRIVATE void init_clock()
 10530	{
 10531	  /* Initialize the CLOCK's interrupt hook. */
 10532	  clock_hook.proc_nr = CLOCK;
 10534	  /* Initialize channel 0 of the 8253A timer to, e.g., 60 Hz. */
 10535	  outb(TIMER_MODE, SQUARE_WAVE);        /* set timer to run continuously */
 10536	  outb(TIMER0, TIMER_COUNT);            /* load timer low byte */
 10537	  outb(TIMER0, TIMER_COUNT >> 8);       /* load timer high byte */
 10538	  put_irq_handler(&clock_hook, CLOCK_IRQ, clock_handler);/* register handler */
 10539	  enable_irq(&clock_hook);              /* ready for clock interrupts */
 10540	}

 10553	/*===========================================================================*
 10554	 *                              clock_handler                                *
 10555	 *===========================================================================*/
 10556	PRIVATE int clock_handler(hook)
 10557	irq_hook_t *hook;
 10558	{
 10559	/* This executes on each clock tick (i.e., every time the timer chip generates 
 10560	 * an interrupt). It does a little bit of work so the clock task does not have 
 10561	 * to be called on every tick.  The clock task is called when:
 10562	 *
 10563	 *      (1) the scheduling quantum of the running process has expired, or
 10564	 *      (2) a timer has expired and the watchdog function should be run.
 10565	 *
 10566	 * Many global global and static variables are accessed here.  The safety of
 10567	 * this must be justified. All scheduling and message passing code acquires a 
 10568	 * lock by temporarily disabling interrupts, so no conflicts with calls from 
 10569	 * the task level can occur. Furthermore, interrupts are not reentrant, the 
 10570	 * interrupt handler cannot be bothered by other interrupts.
 10571	 * 
 10572	 * Variables that are updated in the clock's interrupt handler:
 10573	 *      lost_ticks:
 10574	 *              Clock ticks counted outside the clock task. This for example

_________________________ Page 768    File: kernel/clock.c _________________________
 10575	 *              is used when the boot monitor processes a real mode interrupt.
 10576	 *      realtime:
 10577	 *              The current uptime is incremented with all outstanding ticks.
 10578	 *      proc_ptr, bill_ptr:
 10579	 *              These are used for accounting.  It does not matter if proc.c
 10580	 *              is changing them, provided they are always valid pointers,
 10581	 *              since at worst the previous process would be billed.
 10582	 */
 10583	  register unsigned ticks;
 10585	  /* Acknowledge the PS/2 clock interrupt. */
 10586	  if (machine.ps_mca) outb(PORT_B, inb(PORT_B) | CLOCK_ACK_BIT);
 10588	  /* Get number of ticks and update realtime. */
 10589	  ticks = lost_ticks + 1;
 10590	  lost_ticks = 0;
 10591	  realtime += ticks;
 10593	  /* Update user and system accounting times. Charge the current process for
 10594	   * user time. If the current process is not billable, that is, if a non-user
 10595	   * process is running, charge the billable process for system time as well.
 10596	   * Thus the unbillable process' user time is the billable user's system time.
 10597	   */
 10598	  proc_ptr->p_user_time += ticks;
 10599	  if (priv(proc_ptr)->s_flags & PREEMPTIBLE) {
 10600	      proc_ptr->p_ticks_left -= ticks;
 10601	  }
 10602	  if (! (priv(proc_ptr)->s_flags & BILLABLE)) {
 10603	      bill_ptr->p_sys_time += ticks;
 10604	      bill_ptr->p_ticks_left -= ticks;
 10605	  }
 10607	  /* Check if do_clocktick() must be called. Done for alarms and scheduling.
 10608	   * Some processes, such as the kernel tasks, cannot be preempted. 
 10609	   */ 
 10610	  if ((next_timeout <= realtime) || (proc_ptr->p_ticks_left <= 0)) {
 10611	      prev_ptr = proc_ptr;                      /* store running process */
 10612	      lock_notify(HARDWARE, CLOCK);             /* send notification */
 10613	  } 
 10614	  return(1);                                    /* reenable interrupts */
 10615	}
 11669	/*===========================================================================*
 11670	 *                                 main                                      *
 11671	 *===========================================================================*/
 11672	PUBLIC int main(void)
 11673	{
 11674	/* Main program. Initialize the memory driver and start the main loop. */
 11675	  m_init();                     
 11676	  driver_task(&m_dtab);         
 11677	  return(OK);                           
 11678	}